Monday, February 18, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

I must start with an apology to the few consistant readers of this blog. Sunday's will be the one off day of the week for this superhero. Why? The answer is simple. Because I must focus all of my energy on Monday. While heroes have various powers, perhaps the most powerful power of all is the power of a Monday. Nothing can strike fear into the average working man like a Monday. Filled with staff meetings, weekly projections, and the dread that you won't see the light of day for another 5 days. The pure evil of Mondays is compounded greatly upon itself. Monday's suck, so people walk around pissed off. You, yourself can't help but be pissed off as a result. The weekend was just long enough to tease your mind into thinking, "this is the life, I could do this everyday...." when all of a sudden the constant buzzing of Monday's alarm clock jolts you into reality. Monday's would be much better if people didn't have to report until noon. While this would prove completely inefficient for the rest of the week, I'm willing to argue it would increase efficientcy on Monday. Instead of having people moap around wishing they were still in the midst sleeping in, staying up late, and doing nothing with as many people as possible, they would have a whole morning to transition from weekend to work week. Therefore, increasing the productivity of 4 hours on Monday afternoon to more than a full day. Or it is just possible that I am using one of my more unique abilities; making logical arguements to justify my "super-laziness." Until next time.... Same Otter-Time, Same Otter-Website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boy do i hate Mondays. It seems I have a case of the Mondays once a week. Weird how that works out. Thanks for all the inspiration you give me to make it through the week. I wish I could be a Super Hero like you!