Thursday, February 28, 2008

No Brainiac's at the FDA

One of the promienent characters in Superman is the Brain Inter-Active Construct, otherwise known as Brainiac. He, by far, is one of the smartest characters in comic book history, and has been the namesake of overachieving kids for years. Unfortunately, the very place that we need the "brainiac's", are the same places that we'll find the exact opposite. Take for instance the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). In March of 2007, they released a request to drug products with the following statement: "Sleep driving is defined as driving while not fully awake," they could stop there, and I would just chalk it up the extreme intellegence of Captain Obvious, but no, they keep going, "Sleep driving is defined as driving while not fully awake after ingestion of a sedative-hypnotic product, with no memory of the event." I'm glad to know the geniuses as the FDA have decided to eliminate regular sleep from the category of "sleep driving." So for those of you who are just really tired at the wheel of a car, don't worry, unless you have taken sedative, you are not in any danger of sleep driving, according to the FDA. I also am dumbfounded at the end of the definition, "with no memory of the event." Let's see, I remember falling asleep, but after that... nothing. Welcome to EVERY HUMAN's sleeping pattern. Well, officer, I was asleep at the wheel after ingesting a sedative, but I remember seeing the red light, running it, aiming my car for the fire hydrant at the corner of 9th and Main, and then thinking it would be fun to slam my vehicle into this inbankment here." As the officer responds, "well, too bad you took that sedative, or else I wouldn't have to right you up for sleep driving." Congratulations FDA, in you misinforming millions of American's... happy sueing to all the attorney's out there. Just to clarify... DRIVING WHILE ASLEEP IS BAD!!! Until next time, same Otter time, same Otter-Website.

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