Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Having Trouble Getting a Good Bat Signal

Technology is a beautiful thing. Batman seemed to have his super finger on the pulse of a generation. His gadgets were unbelievable. He had everything from a poision bat frisbee to jet pack shoes to super heated underwear (which I think it's a crime he hasn't put those on the market). He had the Batmobile, the Batboat, and the flying thing that could probrably just be called... a bat. But with all his technology, there is one thing he obvioiusly forgot. In this midst of the bat cave, one concept has eluded the Caped Crusader. The cell phone. Instead of joining Chad's circle, Batman has to just keep his eyes glued to the sky in case of an emergency. I mean, you'd think that with all the time Batman has saved Gotham City, Commisioner Gordon would splerge and get the guy and iPhone. Come to think of it, how did they test the Bat Signal? Did they use their cell phones, shine the thing up in the sky, and say "can you see me now?" What about crimes committed in the day time? He won't be able to see it! Anyway, all of you citizens of Gotham City, I'm starting a collection for the "Batman needs a Cell Phone" fund. Email me to make arrangements for your contributions. Give the guy a couple of months and he'll have it rigged to take satellite photographs of the Joker's lair, play his own theme song (subject for next blog), and call Alfred to let him know when to have dinner ready, all while shooting rockets from the headphone jack. But the most important reason to get Batman a cellphone... imagine hearing, "You've reached Batman (WHAM!), and I'm not able to come (BOOM!) the phone right now because I'm fighting crime (POW!) please leave a message at the (BLAM!) and I'll get back to you as soon as possible (ZAP!)" Until next time, same Otter time, same Otter Website..

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